Don’t forget main reason of poverty is, poverty of heart, who concurs heart will never be poor. GOD is base of all happiness and success. Person who establishes direct link with him he can never be poor. Happiness and success run towards him. Any poor lady who started living in city from village. Her new home was enlightened with electricity. She never got a chance to see so much light. Few days later someone came there to sell electric bulbs. She bought and installed a big bulb. She got astonished after she turned on the switch. So much light! That light was astonishing for that lady she didn’t know that much more light is possible with electricity. You will definitely laugh on her lack of knowledge but don’t you think we behave same as her in our life? We get astonished by seeing someone’s wealth. We don’t even think that there are unseen limitless reservoirs of powers inside us by using which we can become a lot more rich then that guy by whom we are jealous. We are wasting our powers and abilities due to lack of knowledge and confidence. Due to lack of confidence on our powers we make our selves inferior. We remain poor due to our poor thoughts. Happiness of heart is first condition to become rich. Prosperity and success runs towards happy heart. Wealth never flows toward heart full disappointed, unhappiness and lack of confidence. Just give a little bit attention and you will get limitless flow of wealth.